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Author: Wrottesley, G. (ed.)

Title: Staffordshire Historical Collections v 5, p 1 [rolls, 1255, 1275; cartulary, Benedictine Abbey Burton; 11th-16

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Publisher: ULondon-IHR

Author: Wrottesley, G. (ed.)

Title: Staffordshire Historical Collections v 6, p 1 [Plea Rolls, 1272-94 & 1218-38; cartulary Augustinian, at Stone

Year: 1885

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Publisher: ULondon-IHR

Author: Wrottesley, G. (ed.)

Title: Staffordshire Historical Collections v 7, p 1 [Lay Subsidy roll of 1327; plea rolls, 1294-1307]

Year: 1886

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Publisher: ULondon-IHR

Author: Wrottesley, G. (ed.)

Title: Staffordshire Historical Collections v10, p 1 [Coram Rege Rolls; pleas of the crown, 1307-27; Subsidy

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Publisher: UMichigan

Author: Wycliffe, John (d. 1384)

Title: Select English works of John Wyclif [v2] (ed. Thomas Arnold)

Year: 1869-71

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Publisher: UMichigan

Author: Wycliffe, John (d. 1384)

Title: Select English works of John Wyclif [v3] (ed. Thomas Arnold)

Year: 1869-71

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Author: Wycliffe, John (d. 1384)

Title: The English Works of Wyclif hitherto unprinted (ed. F D Matthew)

Year: 1880 Lond.

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Author: Yeames, James, Reverend

Title: Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: A Play


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Title: Guenevere: A Play in Five Acts


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Author: Zarnecki, George

Title: English Romanesque Sculpture, 1066-1140

Year: 1951 Lond.

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Author: Zeissberg, Heinrich, Ritter von, 1839-1899

Title: Die polnische Geschichtschreibung des Mittelalters; gekronte Preisschrift

Year: 1873 Leipzg

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Publisher: UToronto

Author: Zeuthen, Hieronymus Georg, 1839-1920

Title: Geschichte der Mathematik im Altertum und Mittelalter. Vorlesungen.

Year: 1896 Copenh

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Price: Free

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Author: Zimmer, H.

Title: The Irish Element in Medieval Culture (tr. Jane Loring Edmands)

Year: 1891 NY

Format: Questia

Price: subs

Publisher: Putnams

Author: Zosimus

Title: Historia Nova: Book Six

Year: 1966

Format: Html

Price: Free


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