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Author: Tracy, Stephen

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Year: 1990

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Publisher: UCaPress

Author: Trevelyan, R. C

Title: The Birth of Parsival


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Title: The New Parsifal: An Operatic Fable


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Year: 1963 NY

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Author: Vinogradoff, Paul, 1854-1925

Title: Feudalism (Camb Medv Hist)

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Year: 1913

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Publisher: McMasterUHstEc

Author: Vinogradoff, Paul, 1854-1925

Title: Social & Economic Conditions of the Roman Empire in the Fourth Century (Camb Medv Hist)

Year: 19??

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Title: Villainage in England: Essays in English Mediaeval History

Year: 1892

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Publisher: McMasterUHstEc

Author: Vinogradoff, Paul, 1854-1925 (ed.)

Title: Oxford Studies in Social & Legal History, v 1: English Monasteries on the eve of Dissolution; Patronage in the Later Empire [private patrona

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Author: Vleck, Amelia Van

Title: Memory and Re-Creation in Troubadour Lyric

Year: 1991

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Publisher: UCaPress

Author: Von Reber, Franz

Title: History of Mediaeval Art (tr. Joseph Thacher)

Year: 1887 NY

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Year: 1990

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Author: Wagner, Charles Philip, 1876-

Title: The sources of El cavallero Cifar [1512] ...

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