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Title: A Brief History of Medieval Russia (frm: History of Russia)

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Year: 1955

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Author: Newbolt, Henry John (Sir) 1862-1938

Title: Mordred: A Tragedy

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Author: Nicholas, David

Title: The Growth of the Medieval City: From Late Antiquity to the Early 14th Century

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Title: Chronicle of the Grey Friars of London [Camden Soc.; polit. & religious events, London, Richard I-Mary I, 16c

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Title: A Chronicle of London, 1089-1483; written in the fifteenth century ... from Mss. in the B.M.: ... contemporary

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Author: Nisard, Charles, 1808-1889

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Author: Nisard, Charles, 1808-1889

Title: Histoire des livres populaires, [v2] ou de la litte rature du colportage depuis le XVe siecle jusqu'a l'e tablissement de la Commission d'ex

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Author: Nolloth, Henry Edward, 1846-1929

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Author: Norgate, Kate

Title: England Under the Angevin Kings (2vols.)

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Publisher: Burt Franklin

Author: Nostradumus

Title: The Prophecies of Nostradamus

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Publisher: SacredTexts

Author: Nott, James, of Malvern (England)

Title: Some of the antiquities of "Moche Malverne" (Great Malvern) including a history of its ancient church & monast

Year: 1885Malvrn

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Author: O'Brien, George

Title: An Essay on Mediaeval Economic Teaching

Year: 1920

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