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Author: Howley, James Patrick

Title: The Beothucks, or Red Indians, the Aboriginal Inhabitants of Newfoundland [illus.]


Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MemUNewfndlnd

Author: Howley, M.F.

Title: Newfoundland [frm Catholic Encyclopedia]

Year: 1917

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: NewAdvent

Author: Hughes, Thomas

Title: A Journal by Thos. Hughes, for His Amusement, & Designed Only for His Perusal by the Time He Attains the Age o

Year: 1947

Format: Questia

Price: subs

Publisher: CambridgeUP

Author: Hunter, William S., Jr

Title: Hunter's panoramic guide from Niagara Falls to Quebec


Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Inglis, John

Title: An Account of the State of Schools in the Island of Newfoundland

Year: 1827

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MemUNewfndlnd

Author: Inglis, John, bp.

Title: Letter from Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia...[Report of his Visitation of Newfoundland

Year: 1827

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MemUNewfndlnd

Author: Innis, Mary Quayle

Title: An Economic History of Canada

Year: 1935

Format: Questia

Price: subs

Publisher: Ryerson Press

Author: Isham, James 1716-1761

Title: Isham's Observations on Hudsons Bay, 1742... [Champlain Society]

Year: 1949

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: ChamplainSoc

Author: Jackson, John A

Title: Bella Bella Transformed [Woman's Missionary Society, Methodist Ch., Canada] [British Columbia]

Year: 1898ca

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: ECO

Author: Jackson, Sheldon, 1834-1909

Title: British Columbia [incl. B-C missions among Indians]

Year: 1889]

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: ECO

Author: Johnson, Elias

Title: Legends, traditions & laws, of the Iroquois, or Six Nations, & history of the Tuscarora Indians

Year: 1881 Lckprt

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: ECO

Author: Johnston, Charles M. (ed.)

Title: The valley of the Six Nations: A collection of documents on the Indian lands of the Grand River [Iroquois; Ont

Year: 1965

Format: Graphic PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: ChamplainSoc

Author: Johnston, James Finlay Weir

Title: Notes on North-America, Agricultural, Economical & Social, v1 [incl Canada]

Year: 1851 Edinb

Format: Graphic PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: UGoettingen

Author: Johnston, James Finlay Weir

Title: Notes on North-America, Agricultural, Economical & Social, v2 [incl Canada]

Year: 1851 Edinb

Format: Graphic PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: UGoettingen

Author: Jones, John

Title: The Dissenting Church of Christ at St. John's: The Journal of John Jones [1775-1800] [Newfoundland]


Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MemUNewfndlnd

Author: Jones, John

Title: The Last Will & Testament of the Rev John Jones (1799)


Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MemUNewfndlnd

Author: Kerr, Wilfred Brenton, 1896-1950

Title: The Maritime Provinces of British North America & the American Revolution [foreign public opinion; Canada; hi

Year: Sackvlle

Price: Free

Publisher: VictoriaU(Can)

Author: Kidder, Frederic, 1804-85

Title: The Abenaki Indians, their treaties of 1713 & 1717, and a vocabulary: with a historical introduction

Year: 1859] Portl

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: ECO

Author: Klotz, Otto

Title: The forty-ninth parallel [US-Canadian boundaries]

Year: 1917? Montr

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: UCalgary

Author: Kmoch, George]

Title: Memoir of George Kmoch (1770-1857) [missionary; Labrador]

Year: 1858

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MemUNewfndlnd

Author: Knaus, Georg Friedrich]

Title: Memoir of Georg Friedrich Knaus (1784-1859) [missionary; Labrador]

Year: 1861-63

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MemUNewfndlnd

Author: Kohlmeister, Anna Elizabeth]

Title: Memoir of Anna Elizabeth Kohlmeister (1762-1838) [missionary; Labrador]

Year: 1839

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MemUNewfndlnd

Author: Kohlmeister, Benjamin Gottlieb]

Title: Memoir of Benjamin Gottlieb Kohlmeister (1756-1844) [missionary; Labrador]

Year: 1844/5

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MemUNewfndlnd

Author: Kriegelstein, David]

Title: Memoir of David Kriegelstein (1743-1794) [Labrador] (Hans Rollmann)

Year: 200-?

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MemUNewfndlnd

Author: Lady of Montreal, A

Title: The Brock Family


Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: ECO

Author: Lahey, Raymond J

Title: Church Affairs During the French Settlement at Placentia (1662-1714) [Newfoundland]

Year: 1972 unpub

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MemUNewfndlnd

Author: Lajeunesse, Ernest J. (ed.)

Title: The Windsor Border Region: Canada's southernmost frontier: A collection of documents [Essex, Ontario; Detroit,

Year: 1960

Format: Graphic PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: ChamplainSoc

Author: Lalemant, Jerome, 1593-1673

Title: Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable aux missions des peres de la Compagnie de Jesus, en la Nouv

Year: 1665 Paris

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: ECO

Author: Lalemant, Jerome, 1593-1673

Title: Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable es missions des peres de la Compagnie de Jesus, en la Nouve

Year: 1648 Paris

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: ECO

Author: Lanctot, Gustave

Title: A History of Canada, v1: From its Origins to the Royal Regime, 1663 (tr. Josephine Hambleton)

Year: 1963

Format: Questia

Price: subs

Publisher: Clark, Irwin

Author: Lanctot, Gustave

Title: A History of Canada, v3: The Royal Regime to the Treaty of Utrecht, 1663-1713 (tr M M Cameron)

Year: 1963

Format: Questia

Price: subs

Publisher: Clarke Irwin

Author: Lawson, Maria

Title: History of Canada for use in public schools;

Year: 1906]Toront

Price: Free

Publisher: VictoriaU(Can)

Author: Le Jeune, Paul, 1591-1664

Title: Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable aux missions des peres de la Compagnie de Jesus, en la Nouv

Year: 1662 Paris

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: ECO

Author: Le Jeune, Paul, 1591-1664, et. al.

Title: Relation de ce qui s'est passe en la Nouvelle France, es annees 1640 et 1641 ... [Iroquois; missions]

Year: 1642 Paris

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: ECO

Author: Le Mercier, Francois, 1604-1690

Title: Relation de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable aux missions des peres de la Compagnie de Jesus, en la Nouv

Year: 1669 Paris

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: ECO

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